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CD, Christmas on Red Rock Ridge
CD of pre-recorded puppet shows.
A rolicking Christmas musical set in the old west. A couple of cowboys and an old trailcook get snowed in just before Christmas and can't get home for the holidays. Find out what happens when the old trailcook named 'Grits' tells the tale of a family of settlers who also had unusual Christmas many years before. This charming program clearly tells the story of Christ's birth in a refreshing new way.

Chock full of original songs that will make the audience tap their toes, this musical features 9 songs and delightful new characters. A quality seasonal program like this one is a rare treat indeed, especially for puppets. It is sure to be a holiday favorite.
Price: $25.00

Availability:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: 83203

Description Audio Samples
One, dual-format CD featuring prerecorded audio of this 25 minute long puppet extravaganza. (Minimum puppet requirements: 4 men, 1 woman, 1 boy, 1 girl. Length: (30:43). Three puppeteer minimum.)
When you purchase this program, an editable/printable text file (.rtf) containing the entire script, all song lyrics, and production notes for your performance will also be included as a download. After payment is finalized, you will receive instructions on how to download the text file. As many copies of the script as needed can be duplicated.

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review.

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 LOVE IT. Do not hesitate to get this one! December 12, 2021
Reviewer: Hope from VA, United States  
We got this one to use as our puppet teams first big Christmas show and it is super cute. We love it. The kids love it.  We took it to a nursing home and the residents really enjoyed it. The skit goes back and forth between two scenes (we used 2 stage levels)  which made it easy to divide some of the bigger parts between 2 puppeteers (We have more puppeteers than there are characters in this skit). Their are also so may opportunities to be creative with props and scenery.  Not sure how we will top this one next Christmas.

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Faith-Based Puppet Shows > Large Cast Musicals
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