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Adjusta-Stage Nuts and Bolts
What the nuts and bolts look like.
Just right for those times when you need to get down to the nuts and bolts.  Even the most conscientious and careful are sometimes faced with missing hardware. Consider C3PO. A bigger fussbudget we've never seen, but he was constantly misplacing parts of himself. Of course that doesn't have anything to do with needing nuts and bolts for your Adjusta-Stage. We were just letting you know we understand that it isn't carelessness (necessarily) that motivates your purchase - in case you were worrying about that.
Price: $24.00

Product Code: 91111

What you get is 36 bolts (with inset hex driven heads) and 36 matching lock nuts - all of which are exactly the right size to fit in any of the joints of your Adjusta-Stage.  They're new and clean and shiny!

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